The image with blur face published in London newspaper The Sunday Times is that of Bollywood actress Nupur Mehta. Speaking exclusively with India TV, she denied any role in match fixing or links with bookmakers as mentioned by the English daily. Nupur said that the picture published in the Sunday Times is of her but she has no relation with any cricketers. “Photo is mine but the allegations are baseless. I have nothing to do with match fixing and I haven’t in relationship with any cricketers too.” Earlier, the Sunday Times sent a shockwaves across the world by publishing a sting operation in front page titled “English cricket in bung scandal”. In the article, the daily wrote, quoting an Indian bookie that India vs Pakistan World Cup Semi-final in Mohali was also fixed.
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Barney Curley, legendary trainer/punter and founder of DAFA gives John Mulholland his verdict on this year’s Cheltenham festival (2012) at the John Mulholland/DAFA/Racing Post charity night in Salthill Hotel.
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