www.gagner-de-largent-grace-aux-paris-sportifs.fr Je réponds à la question de Nicolas : « Salut Maxence, j’ai une nouvelle question. Ma question concerne les bookmakers. Dans les lectures que j’ai faites, il est conseillé d’avoir plusieurs comptes chez différents bookmakers. Qu’en penses-tu ? As-tu toi aussi plusieurs comptes ? Il me semble que ça complique les choses ? »
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bit.ly Pinnacle Sportsbook operates on the lowest bookmaking margins in the business, which means the best possible pricing for bettors. Those that understand how important the smallest edge is to successful sports investing understand that they can not afford to pass on Pinnacle. The sportsbook has become somewhat of a high-volume, high-value sports betting warehouse. When Pinnacle Sports, located in Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, came online in 1998, most bookmakers were battling for business using bonuses as their main weapon. Pinnacle’s quick-moving low juice lines educated players on the value of line shopping; and it wasn’t long before Pinnacle began taking business from the competition. The growing customer base allowed Pinnacle more flexibility to safely book reduced juice at, what eventually became, the industry’s highest wagering limits. Pinnacle’s no-nonsense approach to bookmaking more closely resembled a stock trading website than the traditional online sportsbook. Pinnacle allowed the highest concentration of sharp players to shape its line, which in turn shaped the rest of the sports betting market. Today it is impossible to find an online bookmaker or a Las Vegas sportsbook that doesn’t pay attention to Pinnacle’s numbers. Pinnacle’s lines were so sharp that they became the first online sportsbook to move odds by pennies (odds changes equating to a fraction of what it would take to move the spread a half point). Last year Pinnacle was able to reduce its …
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