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TO MAP MAKERS: Modern Minecraft related themes are more likely to be featured, chaps and chapettes! GameChap and Bertie are on a Fan-Made Map – the Enderman Arena – for another thrilling Clay Soldiers war; a Sub Match between four mighty armies! Which one shall emerge victorious? PLUS – read the Battle Fort rules below for a chance to see your own army entered against that of another subscriber, right here on GameChap’s channel! Capital show! NEW BATTLE FORT RULES Instructions: Make an army based on the below rules. Armies shall ONLY be chosen from the comments section, so to have a chance at entering battle, enter your team there! Tally ho! 1) Each army has 64 soldiers. 2) All soldiers are automatically given a stick and piece of armour. 3) Each army can have one King, but this is optional. 4) Upgrades cost points. You have up to 64 points to spend on upgrades. The costs are: -) Flint: 16 pts. (max 1) -) Cloth: 16 pts. (max 1) -) Horse: 4 pts. each -) Pegasus: 4 pts. each -) Gold Ingot: 0 pts. -) Glass: 4 pts. (max 1) -) Gunpowder: 4 pts. (max 1) -) Porkchop: 4 pts. each -) Clay: 4 pts. each -) Iron Ingot: 2 pts. each -) Gravel Block: 4 pts. each -) Slime: 1 pt. each -) Redstone: 4 pts. each -) Sugar: 1 pt. each -) Feather: 1 pt. per 16 feathers (max 64) -) Glowstone: 0 pts. each 5) Item Descriptions -) Flint: Your soldiers craft sharper sticks for increased melee damage. -) Cloth: Allows your men to use wool padding, giving them better armor. -) Horse: A trusty steed …
Video Rating: 4 / 5