Question by Tim: What is a good site to bet online?
Looking for a good site to bet online. I usually bet football and UFC. Any ideas?
Best answer:
Answer by Ptsie
You are wise to seek input before choosing a sports betting site. There are several pitfalls that you will want to avoid. You will find indepth reviews of reputable online sporstbooks at There is also a list of scam sites to avoid at all costs.
Here are a few of my personal recommendations, and I use all of them myself…
BetIslands ( These guys have really made a huge splash. Their focus on being the best customer service book, and offering same day payouts without the hassles of sending photocopies of all of your personal info to get your money, have really been a hit with the US based sports bettors
Bodog ( Largest selection and best website layout, and excellent service! :: ( Great for selection and ongoing bonuses! They have reload bonuses too, usually on every Tuesday and Thursday. They offer free bankwire payouts, which is absolutely unheard of!
5Dimes :: ( Their service is great, and their options are excellent. Visa and eCheck accepted as well as Western Union. Reduced JUICE!
BetOnline :: ( Is the best site for bonuses and the easiest to deposit via any major credit card, as well as Western Union. Reduced JUICE!
BookMaker :: They can be a challenge to complete a deposit (minimum 0 for bonus) The first ever offshore sportsbook and very stable. Bonus code: SRNET High limits, with no collar for professional bettors!
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