Question by Ally: Looking for new books. Read question details before answering.?
I am in desoerate need of some new books. I want books that are similar to the following:
Riding Lessons by Sara Gruen
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
Freaks by Annette Curtis Klause
Thief Lord (ugh, I forget the author’s name. >_X)
I want something that has to do with horses (no cowboy-ish stuff. I want books having to do with english riding like dressage and hunter/jumper), circuses back around the 30s (in other words, about circuses that travel by train), or something about freak shows (also with a preferrably older setting, not modern). And I want FICTION, not books that give me information about any of the above topics.
I was something that is either
lol, so many spelling errors! sorry! I’m half asleep right now, so you’ll have to excuse all my typos.
I’m looking for books for an age group between 15-30. Nothing for little kids.
Best answer:
Answer by cmbriggs3
The Thief Lord is written by Cornelia Funke. She has written series about a bookmaker and his daughter based between times. It has a very clever story and plot. I think if you like the Thief Lord you’ll love this series; Inkspell and Inkheart.
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