Question by jw_90278: Would it be illegal for someone on formal probation to gamble at a casino or play the state lottery?
I am on formal probation and gambling had nothing to do with the charges that were filed on me.I would like to know if it would be illegal for me to gamble at a casino or play the state lottery?
I asked my PO one time when visiting his office and with out looking at my terms of probation he said that I could not gamble.I read my terms and did not see where it said that I could not gamble though.
Best answer:
Answer by instantly_oatmeal
It depends on the terms of your probation. Generally they will tell you whether or not you’re allowed to gamble. To be on the safe side, as your PO to see what your terms are. Get his/her written consent/approval if you are allowed to gamble, in case he/she turns out to be wrong.
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